The first LG curved OLED smartphone is now official. On Sunday night, the company announced the LG G Flex. As it was expected, the device will come with a curved 6-inch display with pixels resolution of 720 x 1280. The handset is rather thin, measuring from 7.9 to 8.7mm at various points. But for being crowned the first LG curved OLED smartphone ever released, the device will get a number of more impressive features like a quad-core 2.26GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor, 2GB of RAM accompanied by a 3500mAh battery and 13MP rear-facing camera. You may find the full list of LG G Flex specs below.
LG G Flex Specs
According to the official LG G Flex press release, the upcoming handset will boast the following features:
- Dimensions: 160.5 x 81.6 x 7.9 – 8.7mm
- Weight: 177g
- Display: 6-inch HD (1280 x 720), Curved P-OLED (Real RGB)
- Chipset: 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 (MSM 8974)
- GPU: Adreno 330, 450MHz
- Battery: 3,500mAh (embedded)
- Memory: 2GB of RAM / 32GB of internal storage
- Cameras: Rear 13.0MP / Front 2.1MP
- OS: Android 4.2.2
- Network: LTE-A / LTE / HSPA+ / GSM
- Connectivity: BT 4.0 / USB 3.0 compatible / WiFi (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac) / NFC
- Color: Titan Silver
Unlike the Samsung Galaxy Round, the screen of LG G Flex arcs from top to bottom, which makes it easier to hold the handset while making phone calls.
“The LG G Flex is the best representation yet of how a smartphone should be curved,” said Dr. Jong-seok Park, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “The LG G Flex with its distinctive design, innovative hardware and consumer-centric UX (user experience) represents the most significant development in the smartphone space since smartphone became part of our regular vocabulary.”
The Key Reasons to Choose LG G Flex
LG G Flex design. The vertically curved LG G Flex design reduces the distance between your mouth to the microphone with the phone held against the ear. What is more, the curved LG G Flex design offers a more reassuring grip and fits more comfortably in your back pocket. Similar to the LG G2, the LG G Flex boasts the Rear Key feature, which means that there are no buttons on the sides of the handset.
All-new LG G Flex user-centered technologies. Your handset will always look like new owing to the Self Healing feature. The elastic coating of the smartphone has the ability to recover from scratches and nicks.
LG G Flex music formats. When buying the first LG curved OLED smartphone, get ready to enjoy music in various formats – MP3, CD quality or 24 bit/192kHz Hi-Fi playback.
LG G Flex UX features:
- With QTheater you’ll have quick access to photos, videos, and YouTube right from the lock screen. All you’ll need to do is touch the screen and drag outward along the display with two fingers. The app will appear with the effect of theater curtains being drawn.
- Enjoy LG G Flex multitasking at full with Dual Window feature, which will divide the 6-inch screen into two separate windows.
- Face Detection Indicator will display the LED on the Rear Key in green to confirm the status of face detection and focus.
- Camera Timer will flash to indicate that the countdown has begun.
- When several consecutive calls from one and the same person go unanswered, Urgent Call Alert will flash the LED on the Rear Key in red.
LG G Flex Launch
The LG G Flex launch is set for the next month already. The device will arrive on three major Korean carriers. Neither the LG G Flex price nor the date of global launch have been announced as of yet. We’ll keep you posted as soon as we hear anything new from the developers. Stay tuned!
Author: Katherine Crayon