Windows Phone 8: Touchscreen Secrets

There is nowadays a strong tendency in almost all the fields of human activity to switch from the excessive elements to minimalism. It all must have started with the nanotechnologies, giving the opportunity, for instance, for a TV to take less space and be slimmer. The appearance of touchscreens has definitely made most of the buttons excessive and in some point unnecessary; the widgets panel has made every element be on its place and grouped etc.

The fact that Microsoft team quickly catches on the newborn modern tendencies has been made clear for everyone when they have officially presented the new minimalistic logo of the upcoming operational system Windows 8. No excessive elements, plain color scheme – yet the memorable shape that we got used to over the past twenty years proves that this is the good old Windows we are so familiar with.

So no wonder that the new Windows Phone has acquired this type of the operational system, its variety that suits for the touchscreens perfectly – Windows RT. The model called Windows Phone 8 is for now a secret, but the Windows 8 touchscreen, its starting menu at least, has been demonstrated by the senior product manager Greg Sullivan, one of the chief executives in the Microsoft Company, at the pre-show of the new Nokia Lumia 900.

The interface has been totally refreshed in comparison with the Windows Phone 7 and 7.5, the widgets number has increased. The new introduction interesting for the minimalism lover are the Live Tiles, a combination of  widgets and icons. Yet it’s better to see once, than to read a dozen times.

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2 Responses to "Windows Phone 8: Touchscreen Secrets"

  1. Almighty says:

    Have to admit all this looks great so far. Battery life is still the big question.

  2. appl says:

    So far I like It. I was going to buy a windows 8 tablet anyway. I love the pen and multi touch screen on the pro version.


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